Why We Created The Purpose Map: A New Tool for Purpose-Driven Brands

Introducing a New Tool for Purpose-Driven Brands

Lindsay Connors
At Moxie Sozo, we have a passion for building brands that stand for something greater than their products or services. We’ve always believed that a strong sense of purpose is the foundation on which great brands are built. Over the years as we’ve worked with a wide range of clients–from scrappy startups to established category leaders–we’ve noticed that articulating and aligning on a brand’s purpose is, well, it’s no small feat. With all the day-to-day decisions leaders need to make, carving out time for purpose is actually pretty tough! 
This realization led us to developing The Purpose Map, a tool designed to help brands navigate the complexities of purpose-driven branding. This white paper didn’t just appear out of nowhere; it’s the result of years of experience, countless workshops, and a deep understanding of what it takes to build a brand that truly connects with consumers. 

The Inspiration Behind the Purpose Map

The idea for The Purpose Map was born out of our Organizational Foundation workshops. These workshops are immersive experiences in which we work alongside our clients to cocreate their vision, mission, and values. We guide them through the process of identifying their brand’s core purpose and aligning it with their business practices. 
During these workshops, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of purpose.

When a brand’s leaders truly understand their purpose and integrate it into every aspect of their operations, something incredible happens: employees become more engaged, consumers become more loyal, and the brand itself becomes a force for good in the world.

But we also know that not every brand has the resources or time to participate in one of our workshops. That’s why we set out to create a tool that would allow brands to experience some of the same benefits on their own. The Purpose Map is our way of sharing the insights and strategies we’ve developed over the years, in a format that’s accessible to anyone, anywhere. 

Translating Workshops into a Workbook

One of the biggest challenges our strategy team faced was translating the dynamic, interactive nature of our workshops into a static written format. Our workshops are designed to be collaborative experiences, with plenty of room for discussion, divergent thinking, and real-time decision making. 
Turning that experience into a workbook was no small task, but we were up for the challenge! We wanted to create something that wasn’t just informative, but also practical and actionable. We wanted The Purpose Map to be more than a theoretical guide–we wanted it to be a tool that leaders could use to make real progress toward aligning their purpose with their business practices. 
To achieve this, we included a variety of exercises inspired by the activities we’d do together in a workshop. These are designed to help you clarify your brand’s vision, mission, and values, and to think critically about how your purpose aligns with your business strategy. We’ve structured The Purpose Map in a way that encourages you to take a step back, reflect, and then take action.

Sign Up For Your Copy and Tell Us About It!

With just a couple weeks left before launch, we’re most excited to learn how users experience the activities in The Purpose Map. Whether you’re a brand new startup or a seasoned industry leader, we believe that this tool will help you gain new insights and make meaningful progress toward your brand’s goals.
But we don’t want this to be a one-way conversation. Once launched, we’re eager to hear how you’re doing with The Purpose Map. What challenges are you facing? What breakthroughs have you had? How has it helped you align your brand with your purpose?
At Moxie Sozo, we thrive on cocreation and learning from each other. We encourage you to reach out to us with your experiences, questions, and feedback. We’re here to support you every step of the way, whether you’re working through the white paper on your own or you’re ready to take things to the next level with a workshop.
Sign up for The Purpose Map today! It's hitting inboxes soon, ready to aid you in building a brand that not only stands out but also stands for something truly great. When you start it, let us know how you’re doing, and let’s keep the conversation going.