The Hidden Messages in Your Social Media: What Your Brand Is Really Saying

The Hidden Messages in Your Social Media: What Your Brand Is Really Saying

Leslie Salonen
Let’s get real for a sec—social media isn’t just about sharing funny memes or endlessly pushing your products. It’s a powerhouse for shaping your brand’s social identity. But here’s the thing: while you're busy perfecting your posts, there’s often a lot more being said between the lines. Yep, your social media might be sending out hidden messages about your brand, even if you didn’t intend it to. So, what’s your brand really saying?

Remember, your brand isn’t what you think it is—it’s about what your customers think it is.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own perspective that we forget to ask: what do our followers really want to see from us? Here are three insights from my experience as a Social Media + Content Strategist at Moxie Sozo that can help you uncover and easily implement new opportunities for your brand’s social media.

1. Content Choices: What Are You Really Saying?

Take a closer look at your content. If your posts are all about your products or services, your followers might start to see your brand as just a sales machine—and that can be a turnoff. But when you blend in content that does more than just sell, it shows you’re focused on adding value, not just making a profit.
In truth, it’s all about balance. You want your audience to know what you offer, but you also want them to see that you care about the same things they do. This is where our Moxie Sozo Social Media Reputation Plan comes in—it’s a service designed to help you fine-tune your social media strategy from every angle. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own perspective that we forget to ask: what do our followers really want to see from us?

2. Engagement: Are You Listening or Just Talking?

Social media is a two-way street. It’s not just about what you post, but how you engage. Are you active in community management—replying to comments, answering questions, and genuinely connecting with your followers? Or do you tend to post and then immediately bounce off the platform?
When you engage, it shows that you’re listening, and trust me, people appreciate that. Don’t miss those opportunities to connect—it’s how you turn casual followers into loyal fans. And yes, this means responding to everything—the good, the bad, and everything in between. For our clients, I establish consistent yet personalized guidelines for community managers to follow, ensuring that every interaction is on-brand, meaningful, and far from just a copy-paste response.

3. Consistency Is Key: Don’t Post and Ghost

Consistency is crucial. If your brand only pops up every now and then, people will lose interest and the algorithm might interpret your sporadic activity as a lack of relevance or engagement. As a result, it may deprioritize your content, making it harder for your posts to reach and resonate with your audience. Think about the brands you love to follow. They’re more than just their products; they make you feel like you’re part of their brand world. And part of that connection is knowing they’ll keep you updated and involved on the regular.
So, no more posting and ghosting! Stick to a schedule and keep showing up for your audience. They’ll notice the effort, and you’ll see the difference.

Is Your Social Media Strategy Telling the Right Story?

Social media isn’t just a series of posts—it’s a live, evolving representation of your brand’s identity. It’s about more than just choosing the right words; it’s how those words come to life, how actively you engage with your audience, and how your content reflects your brand’s true values. These nuances can either perfectly align with your brand’s vision or completely mislead your audience in the opposite direction.
Take a moment and audit your brand’s social strategy. What’s the real story you’re telling? Are you genuinely engaging with your audience, or just posting and ghosting? Let’s face it—no one likes being left on "read", so why let your customers/followers feel that way? If you’re feeling unsure about whether your efforts are hitting the mark, don’t stress—Moxie Sozo is here to turn those social media misses into major wins.