the messy middle

Embracing the Messy Middle of Building a Brand

Derek Springston

We talk a lot about the "Big Idea" in branding. That lightning strike of inspiration that defines a brand's essence. We obsess over the perfect logo, the killer tagline, the breakthrough launch campaign. But what about everything in between? What about the messy middle of branding?


That's where the real magic happens. It's the unglamorous, often overlooked, day-to-day grind that truly builds brands. It's about consistency, commitment, and constantly nurturing that initial spark into a roaring flame.

Think about it. You nail the brand strategy, design a gorgeous visual identity, and launch with a bang. Then what? That's where it gets interesting. That's where you roll up your sleeves and ensure that every single touchpoint, from your email signature to your customer service scripts, reflects your brand's personality. This is where you sweat the small stuff because those little details add up to a big impression.

And it doesn't stop there. The market changes, your audience evolves, and your brand needs to adapt right along with them. This means constantly evaluating and evolving, staying relevant without losing sight of your core identity. It's a balancing act, but it's essential for long-term success.

The messy middle is also where you build genuine connections. It's about engaging with your audience, responding to their feedback (even the tough stuff!), and fostering a community around your brand. It's about being present and building relationships because ultimately, brands are about connecting with people.

And through it all, you have to stay true to your values. It's easy to get caught up in trends, but the strongest brands have a clear set of values that guide every decision they make. The guiding principle that keeps you on track.

This isn't always sexy. It's not always going to win awards. But it's the foundation of long-term brand success. At Moxie Sozo, we've been in the trenches with brands of all shapes and sizes for over two decades. We've seen firsthand the power of embracing the messy middle. It's about showing up every day and doing the work, even when it's not glamorous. It's about being obsessed with the details, even when no one else notices.

Here's the thing: consumers can smell authenticity a mile away. They can tell when a brand is just going through the motions. But when you genuinely invest in the messy middle, when you're truly committed to building a brand for the long haul, it shows.

Celebrate the unsung heroes of branding. The marketing directors, brand managers, social media coordinators, and sales force who know the messy middle all too well. Let's give credit to the tireless efforts that happen behind the scenes. Let's embrace the messy middle because that's where the real magic happens.